Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm A Hard Working Women

I pried myself out of bed this morning on such a gloomy day. It's hard enough for me to get out of bed on a regular basis but especially on a dark cloudy rainy morning! (I'm kinda sorta not really a morning person! I cherish ever bit of sleep I get) But knowing that Wednesday I don't have class and I got to play with preschoolers all day I found it a little more easier to get up and going! I got to Miss Elisabeth's (Just realized people spell Elisabeth with a "s" weird, I'm Haley Elizabeth with a "z"!) classroom today and was welcomed with BBQ rib smiling faces saying Good Morning Miss Haley! AHH I love those little monsters. I was particularly excited to see a little boy Ryan back in class today. He had been taken out for a few days, needless to say he has very rough back ground and is in and out of school often. Ryan's personality is very sweet and gentle, over uses "uh essxuses me's" and is very complimentary, "Miss Haley you smell sweet today."

Ryan Story (I may have more of these to come):
At the end of nap time today, which is my personal favorite because I get to lay by the kids, rest my eyes and pat their backs, Ryan was suddenly awaken saying "uhh Miss Haley, Miss Vonnie I think I peed my pants and cot." He is very unshy about this, go figure! He then followed up with "I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to." Such a sweet sweet boy, Miss Haley was very happy to see "Esxcussse Me" back at school today!

Moral of my post, I'm not a hard working women, I'm a hard PLAYING women! Who else is lucky enough to work in a preschool playing dress up, making icing and gramcracker snacks, and, dancing to "I'm So Special." You guessed it ME! Oh and I get paid for it...who knew!!

This is to BBQ smiles and potting little boys!

P.S. I finished my night with a wonderful Derb baked potato and cottage cheese! I was a happy girl!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I Can Not Believe I Am Doing This!

So here it goes! By that I mean, mom and Lace correcting my word choice and spelling, by that I mean hearing, "Have you blogged today!" and by that I mean, I'm a horrible writer. Sooo yes, HERE IT GOES! I am mainly and strictly starting this blog for no reason whatsoever but to comment and interact with momma, Boom, Darb, Aunt J, and Aunt Les..and of course I have been suckered in then drawn to keeping up with some of my momma's favorites! I am a faithly reader to many different blogs, it is kind of like my morning routine.

10:45 open my eyes
10:50 roll over check phone, emails, facebook, blogs
11:00 text Emily (Texas floor mate) and head downstairs to the Derb (Dining Center)
11:30 shower and get ready to head to work, at a Preschool (I love it!)

I have decided if blogging is important enough to be in my daily routine then I will....(I can't believe it)...start a blog! So here is too hoping it last!